Michael Barbaric izlaže u Arizoni

Michael Barbaric izlaže u Arizoni

Michael Barbaric izlaže u Arizoni


PHOENIX – Michael Milivoj Barbarić ponovo izlaže sa kolegama iz američke Arizone, ovaj put izložba je u Flagstaffu u Coconino Centar for arts.
Američko društvo umjetnika Art35N prepoznalo je unikatan Barbarićev rad u drvetu, te ga uvrstilo u stalnu izložbenu turneju.


Na izložbi će biti radovi 20 umjetnika koji će pokazati radove od metala, stakla, drveta, gline, kamena, ulja na platnu i dr.

About artist

The art of Mike Barbaric is one-of-a-kind and this is what makes it so provocative. Mike searches the forests for branches of trees that have a sensual quality.

He then hauls them back to his workshop, judiciously carves them, and paints than to bring out the sensate qualities he sees in them. Painted wood is not a common thing in the an world, and this is precisely why Mike Barbaric’s work is so creative. He is pushing the boundaries beyond the ordinary.

Most of his works are large and people who see them cannot help but approach to look at them, even if they do not know why. But there is something in all good art that evokes curiosity and in this Mike Barbaric succeeds.


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